Recordia muchroom flowerpot
Recordia muchroom flowerpot

recordia muchroom flowerpot

High light and feeding will give some impressive looks to this coral Great corals that are only recently being made available on a large scale. Very dependent on good water quality with an emphasis on calcium and carbonates. V - Very small (about the size of mysid shrimp).A - Advanced (hard to keep and/or other special requirements).I - Intermediate (requires very clean water and/or feeding).B - Beginner (easy to keep, generally very hardy corals).E - Extreme flow (should never be linear and directly flowing across the coral).N - Normal flow (should never be linear and directly flowing across the coral).H - High light (Metal halides, A lot of H.O.M - Medium light (Power compacts, VHO, few H.O.L - Low light (Normal output lights stacked over the entire tank).These are just general guidelines to point you in the right direction.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please note that although we've been doing this for a long time, much of this information is based on our ownexperience and is not "written in stone". You'llalso find additional general info and reefkeeping advice from Michael, our resident husbandry manager. Itprovides basic information on lighting, flow, etc. To help you provide the best home and care for your corals, we've prepared the following care guide.

Recordia muchroom flowerpot